Our Story

Concept II is one of the country’s premier complete kitchen, bath, closet and tile design studios. Located in Rochester, NY, Concept II has distinguished itself among the industry with an unsurpassed design process, superb product lines, expert installation, and unmatched customer service both during and after a project. When visiting Concept II’s award winning showroom you will find kitchen, bath, closet, and tile displays featuring unique products, most of which are exclusive to Concept II.


Meet The Team

Adrienne Cooper designer at concept ii

Adrienne Cooper

Closet Designer

Dave Weston operations manager at concept ii

Dave Weston

Operations Manager

Robert Nicholas warehouse & logistics manager at concept ii

Robert Nichols

Warehouse & Logistics Manager

Kate Deasy installer at concept ii

Kate Deasy


Gary Pino founder and ceo of concept ii

Gary Pino

Founder | CEO

Ross Pino president of concept ii

Ross Pino



Mission Statement

“Excellence Through Service” means that we, as individuals and as an organization, will provide the best product possible to every customer, on every job. We are privileged to have been selected by our customers and will work diligently to earn and maintain their confidence and future business.

“Excellence Through Service” means that we have a commitment to delivering quality products to our customers. We are skilled professionals continuously striving for ways to improve the products and services we deliver. We will never willfully sacrifice quality and exactness for the sake of pride.

“Excellence Through Service” means that we will always treat our customers honestly and fairly. We will never compromise our integrity or jeopardize our customers’ trust in us.


Visit Our Showroom

349 W. Commercial St, Ste 1560
East Rochester, NY 14445

Located in the Piano Works Mall

Tour The Showroom

Rochester’s Premier Home Destination

Concept II is one of the country’s premier kitchen, bath, and closet design studios. Located in Rochester, NY we have an unsurpassed design process, superb product lines, expert installation, and unmatched customer service both during and after a project.

Kitchen &


Tile &